Payment Options 

Automatic Delivery
Our automatic delivery customers don't have to watch their tank levels and order oil as needed, we take care of that for you! We also take care of the payments for your automatic deliveries. We will keep your credit card or debit card information on file in fully compliant encryption and process payments as deliveries are made. House credit accounts can be arranged if you prefer to be billed at 30 day net terms, with your approved credit. Call us 845-463-7000!
C.O.D. Delivery
Customers who prefer to watch their tank levels and manage their own deliveries can simply call us and place orders as needed. Low 100 gallon minimum deliveries make this an economical option for planning your expenses. We will keep your credit card or debit card information on file in fully compliant encryption and process payments as deliveries are made. C.O.D. customers can also pay by money order or in cash at delivery. Call us 845-463-7000!
12 Month Cap Budget Plan
Our automatic delivery customers who prefer to spread their seasonal heating expense over 12 months can sign up for our budget plan with cap price. Monthly budget payments are due no later than the 10th of each month.
Heating Season Price Cap Plan
Our automatic delivery customers who wish to protect their season's price of heating oil with a cap.
Pre-Payment Plan
Our automatic delivery customers who wish to pre-buy their annual supply of heating oil must sign up and make a full prepayment for the number of gallons normally used each heating season. Your oil cost will be at a fixed price, 500 gallon minimum, and requires 150 gallon minimum deliveries.